Your customers are your lifeblood. Do you know how to Engage and Persuade them effectively?

Category: Marketing

Quirk's Conference New York Image July 20-21

Our Industry is Awesome, but Challenges lie Ahead

Some notes and observations from last week’s Quirk’s NYC Conference Last week’s Quirk’s Conference serves as a reminder that we’re in a vibrant and ever-evolving industry that combines new techniques and technology with time-tested techniques, some of which have been around as long as our profession has been in existence. I was also reminded how …

Our Industry is Awesome, but Challenges lie Ahead Read More »

Social Media Influencer in front of camera

Influencer Marketing: The Connection Between Brand and Customer

Social media marketing is a beast, but can it be tamed? 82% of the United States population is on social media today. That includes most businesses, small and big. There are an unlimited number of ways to market on social media, combining different strategies with different platforms. Influencer Marketing has been taking off the past …

Influencer Marketing: The Connection Between Brand and Customer Read More »

Positive and Negative Reviews

Are You Ignoring Your Customers?

Imagine a pre-pandemic corporate office: cubicles, glass-walled offices, maskless people busy being busy. Now imagine that there’s a phone ringing somewhere in that office, non-stop, all day, every day. But no one ever answers it. It just keeps ringing plaintively, endlessly. Impossible, you say? No company would ever ignore an endlessly ringing phone? Don’t be …

Are You Ignoring Your Customers? Read More »

Clicking the Twitter icon on an iPad screen. Social media marketing concept

The Trouble With Twitter: Does It Really Work?

Since its inception, Twitter has become synonymous with self-expression, initially in 140 characters or less.  In 2017 Twitter opted to let people express themselves with as many as 280 characters.  Hashtags run supreme, making it easy to identify a particular topic by using a hashtag that is fitting for the topic. Although Twitter can get …

The Trouble With Twitter: Does It Really Work? Read More »

The Goldilocks Principle: Finding the ‘Just Right’ Spot

Much of the human experience resembles a bell curve: things on the upward slope might not be interesting at all, while move too far to the right and things can get downright scary. This is true for brands and products as well. What is a brand’s sweet spot? How can a company assess factors like …

The Goldilocks Principle: Finding the ‘Just Right’ Spot Read More »