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Tag: brand strategy

Top Five Grocery Trends for Summer 2022

As the temperature rises and COVID-19 restrictions continue to go the wayside, how are you preparing for Summer of 2022? Barbecues will be booming, pool parties prospering, and cookouts commencing. Shopping lists will be switching to beers and burgers, while roast and red wines will hibernate until the first sign of crisp cool air returns. …

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Challenges and Implications during the COVID-19 Outbreak

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Challenge: How can businesses navigate this rapid behavior change to win market share? Observation: Prior to the outbreak, many companies were focused on how to encourage more online shopping. During the current situation, consumers are shopping and communicating using online channels like never before. [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Accordion_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Challenge: How can I make sure these …

Challenges and Implications during the COVID-19 Outbreak Read More »

Woman Holding an iPad Displaying Web Site.

“Bottoms-Up,” Amazon, and Google: Eyes Wide Open

Steve Jobs once famously said: “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” These words have been quoted and re-quoted thousands of times, often framed as a visionary pronouncement from an idealistic genius. And yet, apart from the perhaps self-deceptive conclusions that many entrepreneurs have drawn from them, they contain an …

“Bottoms-Up,” Amazon, and Google: Eyes Wide Open Read More »